Since opening in 2006, The Tack Collector has specialized in 100% consignment items and do not purchase or trade

What to expect when you consign with us?

By consigning with us, you can rest assured that your items are managed and cared for. We have strict safeguards for handling your consigned items as well as your sensitive information and privacy; regardless of how you contact us your identity is always verified before information is provided. Advance notice is required for requests to; allow others to access &/or spend monies on your account, pick up or identify your items for specific customers. 

Safeguarding your consigned items from Drop Off to the end of the Consignment Period is our priority. And our passion is organizing! 

Check out some photos   A Look inside the Tack Collector

We work hard to get your consignment items sold!

  • Our doors are OPEN 7 Days a week providing convenient times to view items in person and coordinate quote payments   
  • Regular advertisements - print & online: locally, provincially, nationally and internationally and Social Media Platforms
  • Regular Markdown - aka Tag Discounts: keep consignment items selling
  • Extra Sales throughout the year
  • Reward Points for Customers & for Consignors *use your Store Credit for an additional 5% to spend 
  • Constant Website Traffic
  • Pricing Research: extensive online research & comparative pricing in our system & accumulated knowledge & experience. We know our horse stuff!
  • Best of all? Awesome and helpful staff who also love horses

Ready to Consign? We accept items by Appointment Only 

  • Why by Appointment Only? To better estimate staffing needs to provide timely service for consignors & customers
  • Appointments are always in high demand, and fill up fast! Oftentimes the wait is 4-6+ weeks out regardless of the season. Cancellations happen & do open spots up, it can be a bit like a lottery for snagging a spot the next day! 
    • Trouble completing the booking? Confirm that Saddle/No Saddle is checked off
    • Based on other appointment volume, bringing in more Items than the appointment size will require booking another appointment for the items over your scheduled appointment
    • Time constraints to get in sooner? call us with an estimate of how many and what kind of items and what times work best. 
    • Need assistance? Give us a call. Get our voicemail? leave us a message so we can call you back 
    • Available appointment times fluctuate based on the size and volume of currently booked appointments and  the number of items you would like to bring. 
    • Large/XL drop offs and Saturday Appointments fill up quickly. We recommend booking these early
    • Can’t Book the day/time you want? Most likely it is not available for the size you want.  Look at booking for an alternate day that has more openings for the size you need. 

How to make an Appointment?   

Consigning: Making an Appointment

What to expect at your Appointment

  • Intake– General Consignment Agreement; entering your inventory, initial conditioning of items.
  • *1st time consigning? We verbally review our terms first (no it is not on the website) on our General Consignment Agreement so we can easily answer any questions you may have 
  • Every Consignment Appointment:  we verify your identity, update your information as required and verbally review our Drop-Off Agreement. 
  • We require that you remain nearby (shopping?) while we enter your items. This is in order to be available for any questions/concerns that arise, to verify/confirm & sign off on the items that were consigned and to take away any declined items and containers & bags your items were brought in.
  • Interested in helping us go faster? Organize your items into like-groups prior to your visit, maintain this organization at intake, and verbally provide sizes and brand of the items as we go
  • Saddle to consign? Expect it to take approximately 30+ minutes to complete, as we must: 
    • Check the saddle(s) for strength and straightness.
    • Go over the consignment agreement, for every saddle.
    • Take extensive notes and detail the saddle(s)
    • Input the saddle(s) into our system 
    • Discuss pricing. It is handy to know what was paid, when, where and amount to receive
  • Drop off Finished? Review the provided list of items we accepted and sign. Copies are provided

What happens after?  Organizing stages from Drop off to Selling are: 

  •  At Drop Off: Items are immediately tagged & labeled & further processed & prepared to keep items together.  examples; bridles & reins, Show Shirts & Collars, Boots with forms & bags, etc 
  • Drop offs can take longer than the times listed for the appointment. Shopping customers take priority (we want to sell your items too!) and we appreciate your patience as we do our best to get it all done
  • Items placed safely & tidily into chronological boxes
  • Pricing, further details are reviewed and added on each item. Extensive worldwide & local online pricing research is conducted as well as reviewing comparable listings within our own TTC inventory of many thousands of items.  Pricing is based on accumulated knowledge and that research to provide the best price range of comparable (& sold!) items
  • Photographs: clear, easy to view and neat & tidy pics: in many angles and of lots details 
  • Displayed & Organized: neat & tidy by Categories & Sizes out on the floor 

Handling your Items - Our Safety

  • We know and understand how time flies and cleaning can be difficult to get to, especially with items that require the washing machine.  As much as we love keeping items out of the landfill and encourage the others to give items a second life, we do not accept items that pose a biological hazard. 

    • While you may only be touching the item briefly, and ok with selling them for less due to being dirty, our staff must handle each item multiple times, exposing our staff continually to unnecessary conditions
    • Dirty Items turned away? Cleaning Supplies and a suitable location are not available on site. Let us know once they are clean and ready to consign and we will fit you. More than 5 items? Please book an appointment  

Please be respectful! 

  • As costs for everything, including garbage disposal & recycling continue to soar, disposal charges for abandoned items, garbage and containers will be charged to the consignor account based on the volume left behind.  
  • No Dumping Items for us to dispose of
  • Soliciting, parking lot or In shop deals are not appreciated 


Clean and usable horse related items for donation are accepted during our Open hours only Monday - Friday 10-6, Saturday & Sunday10-5 at our Back Counter